E Pluribus Reluctor --(those who resist)

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Qoran Desecration Strangely Contagious

Two weeks ago, after Newsweek's unsubstantiated, non-corroborated fable about alleged Qoran desecration in Guantanamo collapsed like a bad souffle', the US media had itself all wound up in a flurry of self flagellation and mental torment. Did American soldiers go wee-wee in the Muslim Holy Book purposely, they shrieked? Did a young corporal flush it down the commode just for the enjoyment of watching a prisoner squirm in his Devo-suit? (if you're not aware, see Devo here: http://www.clubdevo.com/). While questions of policy in Iraq, nukes in North korea and Iran sat idly by, we were served up dose after heaping dose of 'Qoran Abuse'.

Seeing the west impale itself on a sword of manufactured guilt, the Palestinians saw the fruit of opportunity dangling from the tree, and quickly glommed onto the offense du'jour.

Before the terrorist in the Guantanamo had time to get up from his U.S. tax-payer provided prayer mat and Qoran, and subsequently recant his own baseless assertion in time for Newsweek to announce its investigation as to 'how this could have happened', Dan Rather style, it was proclaimed loudly from the minarets of the Religion of Peace that lo and behold...the Israelis were also 'abusing the Koran'. Yep, after decades of Palestinians being held for nothing more than parking tickets and library fines, the Israelis just now figured out how to really get under their skin. Air strikes and bulldozers the Palis can shake off, but mess with the Owners Manual of Hate?..look out. Coincidence you say? Well, it's obviously just another zionist plot, abeit 50 years delayed. Those tricky Jews.

Just like the Jenin funeral where the Palestinian corpse falls off the litter bearer into the street...and gets back on:


...reality, fact, and truth continuosly evade the Palestinian mind.


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