Dr. NO, or how I stopped worrying and learned to love the Bum.

Dr. NO, answering to the Coca-Cola company
DNC Chairman Howard "Doctor NO" Dean once again shot a few more holes into the waterline of the creaky DNC party boat. Taking time off from telling the nation what's wrong with conservatives, Republicans and everyone else to the right of George Soros, Dean retched up more political gold dust to be smelted for the '08 election. The party of 'NO' (NO , we don't like Bush, NO we don't like his plans, but NO we don't offer an alternative) is off the rails at midnight, heading for the cliff. With Howie at the switch and Micky Moore stoking the coals, not only could the GOP sleep '08 off, but more importantly, the DNC will finally groan and collapse under its self-made pool of bile and venom.
"Dean told a forum of journalists and minority leaders Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party … it's pretty much a white, Christian party."
"Asked about it on the "Fox & Friends" show, GOP Party Chairman Ken Mehlman joked that "a lot of folks who attended my Bar Mitzvah would be surprised" he heads a Christian party. "
Dr.NO is the greatest gift to the GOP. Let's all make sure he stays put by letting MoveOn know what a good job he's doing.
"Said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.: "Last week's scandal was Deep Throat. This week's scandal was Dean's throat, and apparently Dean likes the taste of his own foot."
And MoveOn wanted to elect this man.
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