E Pluribus Reluctor --(those who resist)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

LIberal bias, Schmiberal bias

This morning, while driving my Earth-hating, gas guzzling forest-killer to work, I flipped on a local hate radio station, KFI AM 640. "K" for KKK of course, "AM 640" for American hegeMony in 640 occupied nations working for the Carlysle Group. Between the host calling for the bludgeoning of old people and farm workers, there was a multi-national corporation commercial pitching a show I've never seen called "Law and Order". Unfortunately, the night that it is on, I'm taking puppy-drowning lessons at the local ReichStag (a church).

I was perplexed when the menacing voice described "Law and Orders'" next episode:

"Someone is out to kill liberal judges, and time is running out for the team to stop them. Don't miss the next chilling episode of law and Order, as extremists are tracked down and brought to justice"

I nearly gagged on my slave-traded Venti Latte.

What the hell is wrong with killing liberal judges? Don't all Reichthuglicans kill someone when they disagree with them? As if we tolerate for one second a liberal vomit-sack who dissents. Check the papers, Rethugs rampage on a daily basis, leaving a wake of corpses numbering in the thousands. I don't need Hollywood to tell me how to take care of business.

Why, just last week I pummeled a haggard old hippie in her '77 Volvo waiting at a red light to a bloody heap, becaue her "war is not the answer" sticker pissed me off. That's what repukes do. And now they want to make TV shows out of this? ...how dull. Then I hear all this claptrap about Hollywood having an anti-Konservative bias. How can they have a bias when everyone knows we want all liberals put in ovens?

Something's amiss in tinseltown.


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