Picking Your Battles--And This One Should Be A War
Muslims love the Koran. They swear to it fives times daily, prostrating themselves in public and private. Possibly 'more devout' than many Christians or Jews, at least in outward appearance. I used to work with one of these peaceful Muslims. A nice guy, non-threatening in every way, always polite and smiling. Especially as he would reach next to the engineering drawings where he kept a little rug, unrolling it right there in the office, next to the computers and concrete samples as if it was as unremarkable as the sun in the sky.
Smiling Mohammed would do his thing quietly and resume clicking away on the keyboard like everybody else. I always wondered what his prayers were, being uttered silently in the land of the infidel. Was this his quiet victory, delivered part and parcel because of the national madness of 'tolerance' and political correctness? I would never know since smiling Mo excelled at appearing neutral on all subjects. I would sometimes hear the 'allah hu akbar' at the nd of his prayer. I'm not embarrassed to say I resented hearing that phrase right here in my own country.
The phrase 'God is Great' is also invoked just before the detonator goes off in the crowded Israeli bus, or the car-bomb, or the 'infidels' head is hacked off on video. These particular Muslims don't smile, and are far from neutral regarding their workplace ethic.
Am I saying Keith Ellison will blow himself up in a sub-committe hearing? Hardly.
But what is clear is the signal this muslim (apparently muslim first, then black, and thirdly American) sends: one of self-imposed exclusion, separatism and message to America of 'we're here, and you'd better tolerate us, no matter what we do'.
America does not survive only because of the Constitution. It survives because of its values. And these values are under assault on a daily basis. I say this one we fight to the bitter end.
Smiling Mohammed would do his thing quietly and resume clicking away on the keyboard like everybody else. I always wondered what his prayers were, being uttered silently in the land of the infidel. Was this his quiet victory, delivered part and parcel because of the national madness of 'tolerance' and political correctness? I would never know since smiling Mo excelled at appearing neutral on all subjects. I would sometimes hear the 'allah hu akbar' at the nd of his prayer. I'm not embarrassed to say I resented hearing that phrase right here in my own country.
The phrase 'God is Great' is also invoked just before the detonator goes off in the crowded Israeli bus, or the car-bomb, or the 'infidels' head is hacked off on video. These particular Muslims don't smile, and are far from neutral regarding their workplace ethic.
Am I saying Keith Ellison will blow himself up in a sub-committe hearing? Hardly.
But what is clear is the signal this muslim (apparently muslim first, then black, and thirdly American) sends: one of self-imposed exclusion, separatism and message to America of 'we're here, and you'd better tolerate us, no matter what we do'.
America does not survive only because of the Constitution. It survives because of its values. And these values are under assault on a daily basis. I say this one we fight to the bitter end.
The fact the Prager's article, one of basic common sense, caused such an uproar is all the evidence needed. His article should have been met with "well, sure. Ellison needs to give up this silliness." Instead, it caused a whole spectrum of reactions from confusion to contempt. A society that does not understand how it's values are gathered from the past, lived in the present and then projected into the future is doomed.
Scott Klajic, at 10:58 AM
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