E Pluribus Reluctor --(those who resist)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's The Stupidity, Stupid!

As one of the 'angry base', I felt no compulsion to vote straight Republican, and apparently many, many others felt no such allegiance either.

Admittedly, being in a deep blue state where many Liberals ran un-opposed, there was no great risk in voting Libertarian for dog catcher. Nonetheless, regardless of Prager's, Medved's and Rush's admonition to 'change the party from within', many of us felt totally abandoned and worse, taken for granted.

So here we are with San Fran Nan for speaker of the house. I say 'great'. Because in the next two years leading up to the national elections, she will have shown the country what contempt she holds for the populace, the rule of law, and for those constituents who do not share her extremist liberal views. Two full years of Liberalism of the worst kind will hopefully dash a bucket of cold water on the faces of the voting public. In this time I expect the GOP to acknowledge the base and realize that it wasn't the Dems who beat us , it was we who took the keys away.

Unbridled spending, a lack of any rational border or immigration policy during six years of single party rule have incensed the conservative wing of the party with attendant results. And the war in Iraq is a failure because there is no will to win it. We are more afraid of the media and public opinion than the enemy and his little car bombs. What happens when a real enemy shows up, that has an air force, a few armored divisions, and a modicum of military sophistication?

So, we have major difficulties ahead. But if the GOP can conjur up another Reagan, or the DNC can tell Hillary to go to her room, the country still has a chance at renewed greatness.


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