E Pluribus Reluctor --(those who resist)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Predictions for Election Day

Here's my predictions for today's elections. After two years of following trends on talk radio and the net, it is clear that dissatisfaction is wide-spread.

1. It will be a bloodbath for the GOP.

2. GOP loses House.

3. GOP loses the Senate or at best retains 1 vote majority, with no mandate.

4. Nancy Pelosi rides in on her alternative-fueled horse to save us all from ourselves.

5. DNC gains governorships.

6. Libertarians are viewed as spoilers.

All of this is the fault of a failed Bush administration. The way this group has squandered opportunity borders on the criminal. We had the once in a blue moon opportunity to get policy passed, with the Legislative and Executive branch in our hands for the first time in 40 years. Instead of listening to the base and actually doing something about borders and immigration while talking about national security, Bush ponied out the 'Guest Worker' program. Pandering efforts, such as gay marriage amendents, falls on deaf ears when Republicans bloat government more than any Democratic administration in history.

We have met the enemy and he is us.

Well, we survived Clinton for eight years. Let's hope the GOP gets the memo today, and adjusts their liberal policies downward in order to not lose again in 2008.


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