Once again, facts and precision defeat slander and pamphlet-speak.
a Humanities Proffessor, stumbled on EPR, and decided to initiate a pointed debate in the comments section. I thought: 'uh-oh...big shiny PhD...I'm in for it."
After one of her posts being deleted for profane content, she cried 'censorship'. Yet the contents of her thinking became evident when she proclaimed with outright indignation, little gems like "we trained Bin Laden", "we installed Saddam Hussein."....later followed with "Guantanamo is a Gulag".
Oh I forgot, this person's profile starts off with 'Feminist Intellectual"
Well, an intellectual, feminist or otherwise would know that we did not train Bin Laden, we did not install Saddam Hussein, nor is a government-run prison in Cuba holding 520+ people anything remotely akin to the Soviet-era Gulag of the 1920's to 1950's whereby arguably 13,000,000 people died. Not a single soul has perished at Gitmo. But they do receive Qorans, prayer mats, a Muslim diet, and medical attention.
These and many, many other widely known facts continue to evade Heidi all the way up to the university level. The 'Prager Principle' is proving truer by the minute.
This sad fact that this 'Ph.D' is teaching impressionable youth simply adds further impetus to the already exploding home-schooling effort in the nation. When grown adults spout such nonsense, who will run this place in twenty years?

After one of her posts being deleted for profane content, she cried 'censorship'. Yet the contents of her thinking became evident when she proclaimed with outright indignation, little gems like "we trained Bin Laden", "we installed Saddam Hussein."....later followed with "Guantanamo is a Gulag".
Oh I forgot, this person's profile starts off with 'Feminist Intellectual"
Well, an intellectual, feminist or otherwise would know that we did not train Bin Laden, we did not install Saddam Hussein, nor is a government-run prison in Cuba holding 520+ people anything remotely akin to the Soviet-era Gulag of the 1920's to 1950's whereby arguably 13,000,000 people died. Not a single soul has perished at Gitmo. But they do receive Qorans, prayer mats, a Muslim diet, and medical attention.
These and many, many other widely known facts continue to evade Heidi all the way up to the university level. The 'Prager Principle' is proving truer by the minute.
This sad fact that this 'Ph.D' is teaching impressionable youth simply adds further impetus to the already exploding home-schooling effort in the nation. When grown adults spout such nonsense, who will run this place in twenty years?
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VirusHead, at 5:08 PM
Too late, baby. I gave you your chance. Now is not the time to whine.
Marc, at 5:18 PM
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