Blair Knew
After an exhaustive probe over the weekend, forensics investigators, terrorism experts and contemplative people in offices have arrived at the unfortunate conclusion that Prime Minister Tony Blair had over 50 Londoners murdered and another 700 maimed, to further his sinister, diminionist agenda.
Blair's ties to big business since his days before he stole the Prime Minister's office nearly a decade ago, have long been suspected. Blair, a failed soccer team owner and one time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, has sought to re-capture England's former colonies all over again by way of back room cronyism and payoffs. When that stopped working, 'he hoodwinked innocent muslims into carrying bombs onto trains and buses', experts say. We know the rest.
The investigation into Blair's obvious knowledge of the blasts last Wednesday began the previous week after the smoking gun, a letter dating August 10, 2004 to Nikhil Parekh, a Tandoori restaurant owner was leaked indicating that Blair was going to..... Scotland. Our sources have taken great risk to bring the truth forward to the light of day, posted here for the first time:

Additionally, secret internet photographs have been trickling in since the planned London bombings took place, clearly illuminating Blair's culpability. Our experts have selected several photographs which provide the damning evidence that points only to Blair. We will present here a series of photos in relation to the timeline of the London attacks:
Photo 1-The Blair Bush project concludes the planning stage:

If you look carefully, you will see that the man who's hand Blair is shaking is not George Clooney's, but George W. Bush's blood-stained paw. The conspiracy begins.
Photo 2-The G8 Summit:
As last week's G8 summit commenced, Blair was all alone in the room, giving his speech, which has now been proven to be a coded message to launch the attacks. Notice how Blair is wearing a dark suit, and is seated-....more incriminating evidence:

Photo 3-Rec.Room at GlenEagles:
Taken the very moment that Blair was 'informed' of the attacks, this photo captures the complete lack of surprise on his face. No amount of acting could prepare him for the level of scrutiny this image lays at his feet. He continued on, losing to Jacques Chirac 21-19, no doubt part of the script. He even went on to challenge Chirac to a 'best 2 out of 3', 3 minutes after the heinous attacks on London's unknowing citizens:

Photo 4-10 Downing St.:
In our last example of the Blair guilt, a hidden camera in the lapel pin of a Multi-National executive shows Blair's defensive posture when questioned about the underground blasts on Wednesday morning, July 6th. This time, he was not rehearsed by his handlers and apparently over-reacted, just like guilty people always do. He was heard to utter something like "Are you talking to me?". Experts are still working to decode that last phrase:

BlairCo had these innocent people killed to prop up his faltering government, and to further his selfish and dangerous campaign of world domination on the backs of the poor. Blair, a wholly owned subsidiary of BushCo, is simply carrying out the orders from his paymaster, George W. Bush. The British lapdog, the anglican poodle, the Wizard of Windsor, will stop at nothing to ensure that we all live in a world of orchestrated and well-funded fear of terrorism, so that he can take over his little piece of Europe.
We must stop him now.
Blair's ties to big business since his days before he stole the Prime Minister's office nearly a decade ago, have long been suspected. Blair, a failed soccer team owner and one time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, has sought to re-capture England's former colonies all over again by way of back room cronyism and payoffs. When that stopped working, 'he hoodwinked innocent muslims into carrying bombs onto trains and buses', experts say. We know the rest.
The investigation into Blair's obvious knowledge of the blasts last Wednesday began the previous week after the smoking gun, a letter dating August 10, 2004 to Nikhil Parekh, a Tandoori restaurant owner was leaked indicating that Blair was going to..... Scotland. Our sources have taken great risk to bring the truth forward to the light of day, posted here for the first time:

Additionally, secret internet photographs have been trickling in since the planned London bombings took place, clearly illuminating Blair's culpability. Our experts have selected several photographs which provide the damning evidence that points only to Blair. We will present here a series of photos in relation to the timeline of the London attacks:
Photo 1-The Blair Bush project concludes the planning stage:

If you look carefully, you will see that the man who's hand Blair is shaking is not George Clooney's, but George W. Bush's blood-stained paw. The conspiracy begins.
Photo 2-The G8 Summit:
As last week's G8 summit commenced, Blair was all alone in the room, giving his speech, which has now been proven to be a coded message to launch the attacks. Notice how Blair is wearing a dark suit, and is seated-....more incriminating evidence:

Photo 3-Rec.Room at GlenEagles:
Taken the very moment that Blair was 'informed' of the attacks, this photo captures the complete lack of surprise on his face. No amount of acting could prepare him for the level of scrutiny this image lays at his feet. He continued on, losing to Jacques Chirac 21-19, no doubt part of the script. He even went on to challenge Chirac to a 'best 2 out of 3', 3 minutes after the heinous attacks on London's unknowing citizens:

Photo 4-10 Downing St.:
In our last example of the Blair guilt, a hidden camera in the lapel pin of a Multi-National executive shows Blair's defensive posture when questioned about the underground blasts on Wednesday morning, July 6th. This time, he was not rehearsed by his handlers and apparently over-reacted, just like guilty people always do. He was heard to utter something like "Are you talking to me?". Experts are still working to decode that last phrase:

BlairCo had these innocent people killed to prop up his faltering government, and to further his selfish and dangerous campaign of world domination on the backs of the poor. Blair, a wholly owned subsidiary of BushCo, is simply carrying out the orders from his paymaster, George W. Bush. The British lapdog, the anglican poodle, the Wizard of Windsor, will stop at nothing to ensure that we all live in a world of orchestrated and well-funded fear of terrorism, so that he can take over his little piece of Europe.
We must stop him now.
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Marc, at 11:31 AM
Stay tuned. I have proof that Blair is holding Elvis hostage, AND invented the Pinto, two national tragedies.
Marc, at 11:44 AM
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