Liberals Off by Only 900%
"Over 100.000 innocent Iraqi children, women and men have been slaughtered and
killed "
"Iraq : New International Study: 100.000 Iraqis died"
" Forum > At least 100.000 Dead Iraqis"
"Voices in the Wilderness : Press Release: Lawton Peace Vigils For ...
... estimating that 100.000 Iraqis have been killed in the current war. “It seems
the majority killed are bystanders shot or bombed by mistake,”
...Google returned nearly 4000 stories that mentioned this staggering number-100,000 deaths- at the hands of George W. Hitler and the Reichpublicans' lust for world domination. Actually, I've been tracking this number in stories, and I've seen it morphing into 110,000-up to 140,000. The left asserts that our oil-thirsty military greases the tracks of its tanks with the livers of 6 year olds on its headlong rush to war, stopping briefly only to mow down some old people for target practice. Since the left says 100,000, well it must be true.
So naturally when I read this piece by the right wing extremist news source, the BBC, I was nodding my head once again in a knowing disbelief:
"'25,000 civilians' killed in Iraq
More than half of civilian deaths were caused by explosive devices
Nearly 25,000 civilians have died violently in Iraq since the US-led invasion in March 2003, a report says.
The dossier, based on media reports, says US-led forces were responsible for more than a third of the deaths.
So, they're now saying US forces butchered only 8,000-9,000 people. Ridiculous. How could that number be so small? And no doubt every one of those poor Iraqis had their hands up, offering tea and cookies
to our troops that were sadly mistaken for RPG's.
killed "
"Iraq : New International Study: 100.000 Iraqis died"
" Forum > At least 100.000 Dead Iraqis"
"Voices in the Wilderness : Press Release: Lawton Peace Vigils For ...
... estimating that 100.000 Iraqis have been killed in the current war. “It seems
the majority killed are bystanders shot or bombed by mistake,”
...Google returned nearly 4000 stories that mentioned this staggering number-100,000 deaths- at the hands of George W. Hitler and the Reichpublicans' lust for world domination. Actually, I've been tracking this number in stories, and I've seen it morphing into 110,000-up to 140,000. The left asserts that our oil-thirsty military greases the tracks of its tanks with the livers of 6 year olds on its headlong rush to war, stopping briefly only to mow down some old people for target practice. Since the left says 100,000, well it must be true.
So naturally when I read this piece by the right wing extremist news source, the BBC, I was nodding my head once again in a knowing disbelief:
"'25,000 civilians' killed in Iraq
More than half of civilian deaths were caused by explosive devices
Nearly 25,000 civilians have died violently in Iraq since the US-led invasion in March 2003, a report says.
The dossier, based on media reports, says US-led forces were responsible for more than a third of the deaths.
So, they're now saying US forces butchered only 8,000-9,000 people. Ridiculous. How could that number be so small? And no doubt every one of those poor Iraqis had their hands up, offering tea and cookies

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