"Hey, let's shoot up that car..."
CNN just loves this story, ....http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/03/06/italy.iraq/index.html....trotting out the usual jaundiced pablum in today's headline: "Americans fired without motive". Oh. Except for the motive of self-preservation in an environment of daily car-bombings whereby the method of attack is an oncoming vehicle laden with explosives, ignoring commends to either stop , slow down, or identify self...
"..The U.S. military said Sgrena's car rapidly approached a checkpoint Friday night, and those inside ignored repeated warnings to stop.
Troops used arm signals and flashing white lights, fired warning shots in front of the car, and shot into the engine block when the driver did not stop, the military said in a statement..."
The fact is, U.S. forces had no motive to shoot into the vehicle other than the fact that the driver disregarded all commands, even warning shots to the front of the vehicle. If you're too stupid to realize that you're in a war zone emulating the very tactic of the number one cause of soldiers' deaths in Iraq, well ....maybe it's time to up the meds or stick to covering cat shows and weddings.
Naturally, the Beeb is tinkling all over itself 'exploring' the possibility of another friendly fire incident:
"...Accounts of what happened on the road to the airport in Baghdad differ but Ms Sgrena has said she cannot accept US troops accidentally fired on her car.
She told the BBC that Americans guarding Baghdad airport might not have been informed about her arrival, but their actions could not be excused...."
Yeah, I guess if I just charged a checkpoint with machine guns and tanks, I'd stick with that story too.
Italians at Sunday's service for the agent (bag-man) were heard to utter such thoughtful quips such as:
"It's a crime!" shouted one woman leaving the monument. "
"Her fur coat quivered with rage and her face was wet with tears. " Fur coat quivering with rage? There must be nothing worse than angry rodent pelt.
""More blood for American oil, but we only notice because now it's Italian blood!"
And not that it matters, but let's examine a bit of Madame Sgrena's work over at Il Manifesto's "Appeal to Al-Jazeera--Her articles for “Il Manifesto” have always expressed her opposition to the war and to the occupation of Iraq by the Americans and by the international coalition supporting them. Keeping her prisoner or harming her would further damage the cause of Iraq and of the Iraqis in the eyes of the world, fuelling the arguments of those who want to impose “democracy” or “freedom” on the Arab-Moslem world through war and violence.
“Il Manifesto” does not believe this and has never believed it. It is an independent newspaper, peace-loving by tradition, and it has always opposed the “preventive wars” of George Bush. Through Giuliana’s eyes our readers have seen the suffering that is daily inflicted on the Iraqi people by the occupation, especially on the women and children, suffering that she was determined to give voice to..."
She suggests that US forces deliberately targeted her because Washington opposed Italy's policy of dealing with kidnappers.
"..."You get hurt no matter how friendly or faithful you are, which begs the question: Is it really worth it?" ...said 'Marco'
This woman is an enemy of liberty, a leftist sycophant who is lucky to be alive regardless of how stupid her rescuers were. To blame US troops for their idiocy is the height of hubris. But to absolve Arab terrorists of their fanaticism, kidnappings, rape, torture, and beheadings....that's just enlightened cultural tolerance.
-Post-script. Now it appears that Italy paid ransom money for this journalist hack. Let's hope the terrorists whom they paid will use the money the same we are: Investing wisely in a free iraq's future by building Iraq's infrastructure. Let's hope they use it to foster women's rights in a fantically anti-woman culture. Let's hope they build a couple of schools or hospitals like we are.
And I'll continue to hope I have lunch with the Easter Bunny.
Just a little verification from a vet. Every attempt is made to get the approaching vehicle/person to stop and identify themselves before opening fire. It is taught in Basic Training and the technique is called "Challenge and Password." In this case it was a charging vehicle so it was not possible to implement the SOP perfectly, but the concept was followed.
Scott Klajic, at 11:37 AM
All I know is 'Dead men tell no tales'.
Marc, at 2:18 PM
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