Bled white
"Occasionally, the tree of liberty should be manured with the blood of tyrants and despots"- T.jefferson
Well, the swaying palm tree of Club-Med like financial luxury is being manured by MY blood, as in the State of California having a direct I.V. from me to them. Yesterday I went to the local Costco (don't we all have a local 65,000 square foot box to shop in now?) peer at the computer systems offered. All three of them. Our national abundance is beginning to resemble the abundance of choice in the former Soviet Union: two door Lada's in black, dark gray, or black.
Needless to say, I was nonplussed and wandered over to the Giant Plant department. I guess zoos and botanical gardens now have a new source for greenery. Either that or every 3 bedroon house needs a brace of 15 foot palm trees in pots the size of a hippity-hop. ...But just then I remembered seeing something back in the computer aisle that I hoped I didn't see on the price tag taped to the lumber rack that held the object of my desire:
"E-waste fee, $8.00"
What? Did I vote on that? Did I vote for a guy who voted on that?
"E-waste"?....Is that like electronic piles of deleted spam sloshing around the gutters of the information superhighway (which is rapidly resembling the 405 on a weekday morning after the three most dreaded words in traffic reporting: "jackknifed big rig")..?
So now I have to pay extra to dispose of the new computer before I buy it, along with the sales tax for the glorious privelege of purchasing a
new computer in my home state. I just paid federal, state, and local taxes on the gas I used to get to BigBox to look at the future e-waste I am about to purchase, and the tires that I drove on , well, there will be a disposal fee when those are done. Silly me, didn't I vote on a bond measure to support paying for landfills a few years ago? And naturally, my trash service, well that's not a 'tax', or a 'fee'......that one's an outright bill.
The President has spoken alot about 'evil doers'. When he did so, I kind of rolled my eyes. 'Evil doers' has that folksy, kind of 18th Century naivete ring to it. Yet he was right. There are evil doers, sitting up late at night figuring out ways to bleed us with leeches and lancets, excpet these blackguards are our legislators, and like miners, are ever so adept at extracting gold from the source.
This tree of liberty that that slave-raper Tom was talking about is rotten at the roots and needs more than a manuring. And those roots lead north, to the source of all evil-doers....Sacramento.
Well, the swaying palm tree of Club-Med like financial luxury is being manured by MY blood, as in the State of California having a direct I.V. from me to them. Yesterday I went to the local Costco (don't we all have a local 65,000 square foot box to shop in now?) peer at the computer systems offered. All three of them. Our national abundance is beginning to resemble the abundance of choice in the former Soviet Union: two door Lada's in black, dark gray, or black.
Needless to say, I was nonplussed and wandered over to the Giant Plant department. I guess zoos and botanical gardens now have a new source for greenery. Either that or every 3 bedroon house needs a brace of 15 foot palm trees in pots the size of a hippity-hop. ...But just then I remembered seeing something back in the computer aisle that I hoped I didn't see on the price tag taped to the lumber rack that held the object of my desire:
"E-waste fee, $8.00"
What? Did I vote on that? Did I vote for a guy who voted on that?
"E-waste"?....Is that like electronic piles of deleted spam sloshing around the gutters of the information superhighway (which is rapidly resembling the 405 on a weekday morning after the three most dreaded words in traffic reporting: "jackknifed big rig")..?
So now I have to pay extra to dispose of the new computer before I buy it, along with the sales tax for the glorious privelege of purchasing a
new computer in my home state. I just paid federal, state, and local taxes on the gas I used to get to BigBox to look at the future e-waste I am about to purchase, and the tires that I drove on , well, there will be a disposal fee when those are done. Silly me, didn't I vote on a bond measure to support paying for landfills a few years ago? And naturally, my trash service, well that's not a 'tax', or a 'fee'......that one's an outright bill.
The President has spoken alot about 'evil doers'. When he did so, I kind of rolled my eyes. 'Evil doers' has that folksy, kind of 18th Century naivete ring to it. Yet he was right. There are evil doers, sitting up late at night figuring out ways to bleed us with leeches and lancets, excpet these blackguards are our legislators, and like miners, are ever so adept at extracting gold from the source.
This tree of liberty that that slave-raper Tom was talking about is rotten at the roots and needs more than a manuring. And those roots lead north, to the source of all evil-doers....Sacramento.
My favorite manifestation of the evildoers deeds is the forest tax levied a few years ago and given the catchy nomenclature "Wilderness Pass." Of course, this is a federal (not Sacremento's fault) initiative but it was supposed to be a "pilot program" to be revisited. Yet here it is, about a decade later and you still have to buy a mirror hangar to enter the national forest. The Wilderness Pass supposedly helps pay for maintenence of the forest, but I thought that's what taxes were for.
Scott Klajic, at 2:04 PM
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