E Pluribus Reluctor --(those who resist)

Friday, February 01, 2008

John McCain (D), (R?), (?)

As we look forward to the super-Tuesday primaries, those of us that consider ourselves conservatives of the Goldwater/Reagan model must pause before voting for any candidate in the name of expediency or pragmatism.

In my case, the last two elections were about defeating the greater evil. I never was overjoyed that another Bush family member would run the country. In 2000, I was a Forbes guy, then was forced to vote against Gore. Four years later, I was forced to vote against Kerry and the Breck Girl.

This election cycle, I find myself considering a sacrifice of even more of my core values to defeat either one of the outright Socialists running in Democrat's clothing. So I was left 'holding my nose' once again, throwing my support to John McCain. The John McCain who birthed McCain-Feingold, which squarely opposes the First Amendment to the Constitution. John McCain who cozied up with Ted Kennedy to allow twenty million illegal aliens to laugh at our laws, who gave us the 'gang of fourteen'-back room deal makers, who for decades has made bargains with liberals at the expense of principles he claims to have learned from Reagan, yet rarely applied in practice. In 2006, John McCain fought the Defense of Marriage Act and Rick Santorum every step of the way. And McCain know calls himself a Conservative when it's convenient?

And in light of our choices, remember this: John McCain in 2001 considered leaving the Republican party. In 2004, he is on record as having negotiated with JOHN KERRY to be his running mate. This is confirmed with audio recordings of both Kerry and McCain confirming this fact only four years ago. And that is why I have to throw my support to Mitt Romney. At least I know he will not ask to be Hillary's running mate to defeat the Obomination (spelling intentional).

Consider that before holding your nose and voting for the pragmatism of supposed 'electability'.


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